Panga is the common South African name for Pterogymnus laniarius, a small, ocean-dwellingfish, native to the southeast Atlantic Ocean and southwest Indian Ocean. Alternatively called “torpedo scads“, they are cold-blooded with white flesh. Their scales are generally pink in color with whitish underbelly and blue-green stripes running laterally along their sides.
Over the course of its life, a panga will undergo periodic sex-changes with as much as 30% of the population being hermaphroditic at a time. Despite the presence of both sex organs, it is thought unlikely that both are simultaneously active. Panga are slow to reach sexual maturity, with a minimum population doubling time of 4.5–14 years.
In other countries, the name panga may refer to a different species. In Indonesia, it refers to Megalaspis cordyla, in Spain, the Netherlands and Poland it refers to Pangasius hypophthalmus, and in Kenya it refers to Trichiurus lepturus.
Many are snatching up the fish at supermarkets as they are very cheap. The
fish looks good but read the article and you will be shocked. This product is
from Vietnam.
Do you eat this frozen fish called BASA? ( Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler,
White Catfish, Gray Sole )
Industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River, BASA or Pangas or
whatever they’re calling it, has only been recently introduced to the French
market. However, in a very short amount of time, it has grown in popularity
in France. They are very, very affordable (cheap), are sold in filets with no
bones and they have a neutral flavor and texture; many would compare it to
cod and sole, only much cheaper. But as tasty as some people may find it,
there’s, in fact, something hugely unsavory about it. I hope the information
provided here will serve as very important information for you and your future
choices. Here’s why it is better left in the shops and not on your dinner
1. BASAS or Pangas are teeming with high levels of poisons and bacteria.
(industrial effluents, arsenic, and toxic and hazardous by-products of the
growing industrial sector, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its
metabolites (DDTs), metal contaminants, chlordane-related compounds
(CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene
(HCB) ).
The reason is that the Mekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the
planet and this is where basa/pangas are farmed and industries along the
river dump chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. Avoid eating them
because they contain high amounts of contamination. Regardless of Reports
and recommendations against selling them, supermarkets still sell them,
knowing full well that they are contaminated.
2. They freeze Basa/Pangas in contaminated river water.
3. BASA/Pangas are raised in Vietnam .. Pangas are fed food that comes
from Peru ( more on that below ), their hormones ( which are injected into
the female Pangas ) come from China . ( More about that below ) and finally,
they are transported from Vietnam to other countries
4. There’s nothing natural about Basa/Pangas – They’re fed dead fish
remnants and bones, dried and ground into a flour (from South America),
manioc ( cassava ) and residue from soy and grains. This kind of nourishment
doesn’t even remotely resemble what they eat in nature. But what it does
resemble is the method of feeding mad cows ( cows were fed cows,
remember? ). What they feed basa/pangas is completely unregulated so
there are most likely other dangerous substances and hormones thrown into
the mix. The basa/pangas grow 4 times faster than in nature, so it makes
you wonder what exactly is in their food? Your guess is as good as mine.
5. Basa/Pangas are injected with Hormones Derived from Urine. They inject
female Basa/Pangas with hormones made from the dehydrated urine of
pregnant women, the female Pangas grow much quicker and produce eggs
faster ( one Basa/Panga can lay approximately 500,000 eggs at one time ).
Essentially, they’re injecting fish with hormones ( they come all of the way
from a pharmaceutical company in China ) to speed up the process of growth
and reproduction. That isn’t good. And also consider the rest of the reasons
to NOT eat BASA.
6. You get what you pay for – and then some. Don’t be lured in by insanely
cheap price of Basa/Pangas. Is it worth risking your health and the health of
your family?
7. Buying Basa/Pangas supports unscrupulous, greedy corporations and food
conglomerates that don’t care about the health and well-being of human
beings. They are only concerned about selling as many basa/pangas as
possible to unsuspecting consumers. These corporations only care about
making more money at whatever cost to the public..
8. Basa/Pangas WILL make you sick – If you don’t get ill with vomiting,
diarrhea and effects from severe food poisoning, congratulations, you have
an iron stomach! But you’re still ingesting POISON not “Poisson”.
Final important note: Because of the prodigious amount of availability of
Basa/Pangas, be warned that they will certainly find their way into other
foods like imitation crab sticks, fish sticks, fish terrines, and probably in some
pet food too. Just check the Ingredient List to see if Basa is one of the
ingredients. Good Luck.
View this video of a great gardening container for growing potatoes—and experience the fun of trash can gardening with Janice Stillman, Editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac. See more on growing potatoes:
A medium-sized papaya contains approximately 120 calories, 20 percent of the daily value for fiber and more than three times the vitamin C you need each day. However, eating too much of a good thing can sometimes cause some unpleasant side effects.
Skin Discoloration
The papaya gets its orange hue from beta carotene, a nutrient in the carotenoid family that also provides you with vitamin A. A medium papaya offers about 15 percent of the DV for vitamin A. Eating too much of a yellow, green or orange-colored food that contains beta carotene can cause a benign form of skin discoloration called carotenemia. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet are the most visible areas of the body affected by carotenemia, but other areas of the body can also become tinged with yellow or orange. Carotenemia is not to be confused with jaundice, a yellowing of the skin that also affects the whites of the eyes. Jaundice is a sign of higher-than-normal bilirubin levels; carotenemia is harmless. Cutting back on your papaya consumption will resolve the discoloration of the skin.
Respiratory Distress
Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which is used to soothe digestive complaints and to counter inflammation in the throat. Papain is also a potential allergen, according to Purdue University. People who eat too much papaya and ingest high levels of papain may develop symptoms consistent with hay fever or asthma, including wheezing, breathing difficulties and nasal congestion.
Possible Kidney Stones
A single papaya measuring 5 inches long with a 3-inch diameter contains up to 310 percent of the DV of 60 milligrams per day for vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that may help protect against blood vessel disorders, cancer and high blood pressure. Consuming more than 1,200 milligrams of vitamin C per day for children or more than 2,000 milligrams per day for adults can induce toxicity symptoms, including oxalate kidney stones. Oxalate is a byproduct of vitamin C once the nutrient has been metabolized.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Gastrointestinal symptoms may be a side effect of eating too much papaya. Ironically, the same papain that calms your stomach can cause an upset stomach when taken in large amounts. The high fiber content of papaya can also contribute to unrest of the digestive system when you indulge in too much of the tropical fruit, and the latex in the fruit’s skin may cause stomach irritation.
Shinya is also known for his claims about health benefits of enzyme supplementation. However, some of his claims in commercial advertisements have been criticized as deceptive.
Shinya has authored many books, of which the most well-known, Living without Disease: A Miracle Enzyme Determines Life (in Japanese: ‘病気にならない生き方 ミラクル・エンザイムが寿命を決める’), is said to have sold more than a million copies in Japan.[1]
In advertisements,[2][3] Shinya has recommended taking enzymes from consumed food. There he cites a medical paper[4] that reports a decrease in the secretion quantity of three kinds of digestive enzyme (and bicarbonate) from the pancreas. The article speculates that this is due to aging, and does not discuss intake of nutrients, so it is irrelevant to his claim. He also says[2] that in recent years vegetables are poorer sources of nutrients, and that it is difficult to obtain sufficient enzymes from consumed food alone. His evidence for this is a chart based on references[5] for 1963 and 2008 which shows values of beta-carotene, vitamin C and iron found in spinach and carrot, from which he appears to infer a comparable enzyme deficit in all vegetable food sources.
He claims that his prescription of [Kangen®] water has 0% cancer recurrence rate,(Shinya , The Enzyme Factor, p. 7) without clinical data or independent corroboration.
Heat 1 Tbsp of butter in a skillet and saute onion slices on low heat until they are brown. Add garlic and ginger and saute well. Set aside. Heat 1 Tbsp of butter in a medium pot. Put flour and saute on low heat. Add curry powder and mix well. Add bouillon little by little, stirring well. Add onion in the sauce. Simmer the sauce until thickened. Add garam masala at last.