lead in the blood of Flint’s children
The crisis in Flint started in 2014 when Gov. Rick Snyder’s hand-picked and unelected city manager decided to save money by switching Flint’s water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River. Problems with the water were immediately apparent but state officials did not take residents’ complaints seriously until testing last fall showed elevated levels of lead in the blood of Flint’s children.
Gov. Snyder has finally, after 20 months, declared a state of emergency and is scrambling to do damage control and deflect blame.2 President Obama declared a federal emergency in Flint as well. But as chief executive of the state of Michigan, with an aggressive agenda of cost-cutting and austerity practices, responsibility ultimately rests with Gov. Snyder.
The Justice Department has said they will join the EPA in investigating the contamination of Flint’s water.3 We need to make sure there is a transparent and fair investigation that reaches all the way to Gov. Snyder, and holds him accountable for his role in creating and perpetuating this crisis.
Tell the Justice Department: Deliver justice for Flint, Michigan. Click here to sign the petition.
Before the water source switch, anti-corrosives were added to the Lake Huron water to help protect aging pipes. But when the switch was made, officials did not add anti-corrosives to the Flint River water. It would have cost $100 a day to do so. The change in water quality was immediately apparent:
Residents rapidly voiced complaints about the smell, taste and rusty appearance of the water. They also raised health concerns including rashes, hair loss and mood changes. Even General Motors stopped using the Flint water, “saying it was rusting its parts.”4
The high levels of salt in the Flint River were leaching lead out of Flint’s aging pipes. In the face of an E. coli advisory, chlorine was added to the water, which only increased the corrosion. When the chlorine failed to fix the bacteria problem, residents were urged to boil their drinking water. But boiling increases concentrations of lead, leading to higher exposures.5
Repeated complaints were ignored. As of February 2015, officials were still telling the people of Flint that their water was safe.6 More than six months before Snyder declared a state of emergency, one of his top aides warned that the state wasn’t taking resident complaints seriously enough.7 There are reports that state officials knew last year that the water was poisoned, but didn’t say a word.8
We need to demand immediate steps to fix Flint’s public health crisis. But sadly, Flint is not alone in dealing with crumbling infrastructure and right-wing leaders who enact slash-and-burn budget policies. If we don’t demand justice for Flint, we’ll be seeing the same story emerge in cities across America.
Tell the Justice Department: Deliver justice for Flint, Michigan. Click the link below to sign the petition:
Thank you for speaking out,
Heidi Hess, Senior Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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- Mitch Smith, “Flint Wants Safe Water, and Someone to Answer for Its Crisis,” New York Times, January 9, 2016.
- David Graham, “What Did the Governor Know About Flint’s Water, and When Did He Know It?” The Atlantic, January 9, 2016.
- Arthur Delaney, “Justice Department Investigating Toxic Tap Water In Flint,” Huffington Post, January 5, 2016.
- Judy Stone, “What You Need To Know About Lead Poisoning – Flint Edition,” Forbes, January 9, 2016.
- Ibid.
- David Graham, “What Did the Governor Know About Flint’s Water, and When Did He Know It?” The Atlantic, January 9, 2016.
- Stephanie Gosk et. al., “Internal Email: Michigan ‘Blowing Off’ Flint Over Lead in Water,” NBC News, January 6, 2016.
- Ben Mathis-Lilley, “Michigan Knew Last Year That Flint’s Water Might Be Poisoned But Decided Not to Tell Anyone,” Slate.com, January 11, 2016.
Food-Miles and Climate Impacts
Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States
The climate impacts of food choice in the United States are analyzed and the impacts from life-cycle transportation and life-cycle production are compared.
neonicotinoid pesticides
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Big news in the fight to protect bees: The Environmental Protection Agency just released a stunning new report admitting that popular neonicotinoid pesticides are partially to blame for the massive bee colony collapse.1
This new development is remarkable because the federal government is now finally admitting, after over 20 years in use, that “neonics” are killing bees. Yet, farmers are still spraying dangerous bee-killing neonics on tens of millions of acres of farmland across the United States while bees continue to die off in droves.2
The EPA has been notoriously slow at responding to this crisis, and its previous efforts to restrict neonics use have not gone far enough. We must ramp up pressure on the EPA to ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides once and for all.
Tell the EPA: Ban dangerous bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides. Click here to sign the petition.
Bees and other pollinators play a vital role in our food production system by enabling the production of many of the nuts, fruits and vegetables in our diets. In total, pollinators make possible an astounding 35% of global food production and contribute more than $24 billion annually to the U.S. economy. But the number of managed honeybee colonies in the United States has declined from 6 million in the 1940s to just 2.5 million today – jeopardizing our food supply and domestic agriculture industry.3
And the outlook for bee colonies is getting worse. A recent survey, funded in part by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, revealed that U.S. beekeepers lost over 42% of their colonies between April 2014 and April 2015, a significant upswing of losses from the previous year.4
Now that the federal government has admitted the definitive proof that neonics are contributing significantly to the collapse of bee colonies, it’s time for the EPA to take action to ban these dangerous pesticides nationwide before any further harm is done to bee populations.
Tell the EPA: Ban dangerous bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides. Click the link below to sign the petition:
Thanks for all you do to save bees.
Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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- EPA Releases the First of Four Preliminary Risk Assessments for Insecticides Potentially Harmful to Bees, United States Environmental Protection Agency, January 6, 2016
- Tom Philpott, The EPA Finally Admitted That the World’s Most Popular Pesticide Kills Bees—20 Years Too Late, Mother Jones, January 7, 2016
- “Fact Sheet: The Economic Challenge Posed by Declining Pollinator Populations,” The White House, June 20, 2014
- “Colony Loss 2014-2015: Preliminary Results,” Bee Informed Partnership, May 13, 2015
Goju Ryu Karate (Morio Higaonna Shihan)
Li Hongzhi introduced the Teachings of Falun Gong to the public in Changchun, China in 1992. The teachings cover a wide range of topics ranging from spiritual, scientific andmoral to metaphysical. Since its inception, Falun Gong has been one of the fastest growing qigong (Pinyin: qìgōng) schools in Chinese history.[citation needed]
The teachings of Falun Gong are based on the principles of zhēn 眞, shàn 善 and rěn 忍 (which translate approximately as truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance)[1]articulated in the two main books Falun Gong[2] and Zhuan Falun.[3] Falun Gong is an introductory book that discusses qigong, introduces the aforementioned principles, and provides illustrations and explanations of exercises for meditation. Zhuan Falun is considered the central and most comprehensive exposition on the teachings of Falun Gong.
According to the book Falun Gong, “Fǎlún” (Buddha Fǎ) is a great, high-level cultivation way of the Buddha School (different from Buddhism), in which assimilation to the supreme nature of the universe, Zhen-Shan-Ren, is the foundation of cultivation practice.”[4] In this concept, “cultivation” refers to upgrading one’s xīnxìng (mind-nature) through abandoning negative attachments and assimilating oneself to “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”. “Practice” refers to the five meditative exercises that are said to purify and transform one’s body. Cultivation is considered essential, and the exercises are said to supplement the process of improving oneself.[5][6]
Some aspects of Falun Gong’s teachings are considered implausible and peculiar by observers, and Falun Gong’s conservative and moralistic views on subjects such as sexuality have attracted controversy.
Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (literally, “Dharma Wheel Practice” or “Law Wheel Practice”) is a Chinese spiritual practice that combines meditation and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy centered on the tenets of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance(Chinese: 真、善、忍). The practice emphasizes morality and the cultivation of virtue, and identifies as a qigong practice of the Buddhist school, though its teachings also incorporate elements drawn from Taoist traditions. Through moral rectitude and the practice of meditation, practitioners of Falun Gong aspire to better health and, ultimately, spiritual enlightenment.
Falun Gong was first taught publicly in Northeast China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi. It emerged toward the end of China’s “qigongboom”—a period which saw the proliferation of similar practices of meditation, slow-moving exercises and regulated breathing. It differs from other qigong schools in its absence of fees or formal membership, lack of daily rituals of worship, its greater emphasis on morality, and the theological nature of its teachings. Western academics have described Falun Gong as a qigong discipline, a “spiritual movement”, a “cultivation system” in the tradition of Chinese antiquity, or as a form of Chinese religion.
Although the practice initially enjoyed considerable support from Chinese officialdom, by the mid- to late-1990s, the Communist Partyand public security organizations increasingly viewed Falun Gong as a potential threat due to its size, independence from the state, and spiritual teachings. By 1999, government estimates placed the number of Falun Gong practitioners at 70 million.[1] Tensions culminated in April 1999, when over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners gathered peacefully near the central government compound in Beijing to request legal recognition and freedom from state interference. This demonstration is widely seen as catalyzing the persecution that followed.
On 20 July 1999, the Communist Party leadership initiated a nationwide crackdown and multifaceted propaganda campaign intended to eradicate the practice. It blocked Internet access to websites that mention Falun Gong, and in October 1999 it declared Falun Gong a “heretical organization” that threatened social stability. Human rights groups report that Falun Gong practitioners in China are subject to a wide range of human rights abuses: hundreds of thousands are estimated to have been imprisoned extrajudicially, and practitioners in detention are subject to forced labor, psychiatric abuse, torture, and other coercive methods of thought reform at the hands of Chinese authorities.[2] As of 2009 at least 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners had died as a result of abuse in custody.[3]Some observers put the number much higher, and report that tens of thousands may have been killed to supply China’s organ transplant industry.[4][5] In the years since the persecution began, Falun Gong practitioners have become active in advocating for greater human rights in China.
Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi has lived in the United States since 1996, and Falun Gong has a sizable global constituency. Inside China, some sources estimate that tens of millions continue to practice Falun Gong in spite of the persecution.[6][7] Hundreds of thousands are estimated to practice Falun Gong outside China in over 70 countries worldwide.[8][9]
Uploaded on May 22, 2011
Falun Dafa 60min exercise in video (1-4) from Punu Se on Vimeo.
drinking any alcohol regularly increases the risk of cancer
Jan. 8, 2016 8:13 AM EST
LONDON (AP) — British health officials say that drinking any alcohol regularly increases the risk of cancer, in tough new guidelines that could be hard to swallow for a nation where having a pint is a hallowed tradition.
Britain’s Chief Medical Officer advised both men and women not to drink any more than 14 units of alcohol, or about six pints of beer a week, which still carries a low risk of liver disease or cancer. Previously, men had been allowed up to 21 units a week.
The guidance also clarified advice to pregnant women, recommending they avoid alcohol “as a precaution.” In a departure from previous advice, the government said there is no “safe” level of alcohol for pregnant women.
Britain also recommended people have several alcohol-free days a week.
genetically modified corn in China’s northeast
By Dominique Patton
BEIJING (Reuters) – Farmers are illegally growing genetically modified corn in China’s northeast, said environmental non-profit Greenpeace on Wednesday, in a report that may generate further distrust of the government’s ability to ensure a safe food supply.
Beijing has spent billions of dollars to develop GMO crops that it hopes will ensure food supplies for its 1.4 billion people but has not yet approved commercial cultivation amid deep-seated anti-GMO sentiment. The new findings seem to confirm concerns that Beijing will be unable to supervise the planting of GMO crops once commercial cultivation is permitted, leading to widespread contamination of the food chain with GM varieties.
In its report, Greenpeace said 93 percent of samples taken last year from corn fields in five counties in Liaoning province, part of China’s breadbasket, tested positive for GMO contamination.
back into the Dark Ages
Published on Dec 16, 2015
“It could plunge medicine back into the Dark Ages.” Overuse of antibiotics on Chinese pig farms has led to a strain of bacteria becoming resistant to the last effective antibiotic we had. And it’s spreading. Could this be the start to the post-antibiotic era? Find out more on this episode of China Uncensored.